Career Coaching
Do you feel like you're not paid what you deserve, or being denied the promotion you know you are ready for?
Are you feeling stuck in a rut, and not making the most of your capabilities?
It's all there for the taking. What's stopping you?

Maybe you’re looking to move companies or change careers and you don’t feel that your CV is strong enough to land you on the interview pile, or you don’t know how to sell yourself at interview once you get to that stage.

Coaching to provide everything you need
Let's start with your CV
First, we’ll make sure your CV is strong and impactful, with content that will grab the reader’s attention, impress them and make you stand out in the crowd.
If you’re applying for numerous jobs and you’re not even getting a reply, let alone an interview, just remember, they haven’t even met you yet. It’s not about you. It’s the words in your application that are discarding you to the ‘no’ pile. Read my blog post 'Why is my CV being rejected?' to learn more.
The world has changed – AI is often part of the process now. Your CV needs to be optimised to get through the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that are filtering out your CV and blocking you from getting to the next stage.
I often hear people say that CVs all use the same cliched language. Well, I’ll show you how to be individual and tick all the right boxes.

Interview Preparation
I’ll be your objective mirror and cheerleader, helping you to refine your presentation skills and your interview technique.
Just by seeking professional support, you’re already a step ahead of your competition.
I can help you to feel more confident in applying and interviewing for jobs that you know you can do, but you’re hesitant to apply for.
Ask yourself why do you feel that way? You could be exactly what they’re looking for!
Let’s smash that self-doubt, shake off the imposter syndrome and work together to achieve the recognition, reward and satisfaction you deserve.
It's time to negotiate
When (not if, when!) you’ve got that well-deserved job offer, it’s time to think about the bigger picture.
Remuneration is about much more than the basic salary and I can objectively help you to review your offer from all angles.
Bonus scheme, cost and time implication of a commute, holiday, medical insurance, pension, additional benefits. It’s a long list.
The package you negotiate will potentially have long-term implications on your whole life, both financially and in terms of your wellbeing, so it’s really important when you’re making a decision that you weigh up all the facts.
I can coach you with advice about the best way to communicate your needs and requests to your prospective employer, maximising your chance of them saying yes to your proposal.